They say after Gandhi got thrown out of a train at Peitermartizburg station, colonialism was never the same again. Consulting Editor Vishal Bhatia's lens puts ground zero through the freeze frame
Peitermaritzburg is a very colonial town and extremely pretty. The train station is a quaint Victorian era station. This town has come to be associated with M.K.Gandhi; his posters, photos and plaques are everywhere
Sarvodaya, the house in North Durban where Gandhi spent his days in South Africa. When broken down for renovation in 1985, most of Gandhiji’s items were stolen, or burnt
M.K. Gandhi was pushed out of his compartment on to this platform while travelling on a train from Durban to Johanessburg on a wintry South African day. The date: June 7, 1893. The provocation: a white traveller refused to share space with a ‘Coolie’. The incident sparked off Gandhiji’s philosophy of Satyagraha.
NEW KIDS OFF THE BLOCK: Gandhiji’s wife, Kasturba, ran a school for poor black kids. The complex was razed, kids in the new school are seen; (at left) a plaque at the Peitermaritzburg station where Gandhi was thrown out of a train
TOLSTOY FARM: The farm on which Sarvodaya—Gandhiji’s house is built—is not a safe place to visit these days. Bhatia took a chance with a local guide
April 2006