Column: Yogi Ashwani

The Law of Karma

The manifested Creation is based on certain laws, which govern it since it’s beginning. These laws rule us whether we approve of them or not. One of the major laws which binds us in our journey on this plane is the ‘Law of Karma’. It is not a mere coincidence that nearly every major religion of the world talks about the Law of Karma. This could not be a coincidence that all the great men of different religions saw this rule of Creation and gave it as a law. This is an unfailing law and the foundation of any yogic practice. 

Karma can be simply translated as action. Action doesn’t necessarily stand for an act in the physical; it can be a thought also. In fact, every action in physical terms is a thought before manifestation. 

The Law of Karma states, “What you sow, so shall you reap”. Does everyone believe in the Law of Karma, that everything we do comes back to us in some form? We know, but somehow there is a doubt when we actually begin to do things. This is the basic problem with all of us. We do not understand or grasp the power of this knowledge and its teachings. We doubt it. .

The sun rises in the east and then sets in the west, again the next morning, it rises in the east… an unfailing cycle. A tree sheds its leaves only to have new ones again… another unfailing cycle. In Creation, one sees so many such cycles which are actually laws governing us

Everything in the universe, all the laws are circular in movement, a complete cycle. Life is a cycle of life and death, life span is again a cycle of birth, infancy, childhood, youth, middle age, old age and again a new birth, infancy… Each and every event in this cycle is an experience, and every experience is the result of a past karma. The sun rises in the east and then sets in the west, again the next morning, it rises in the east… an unfailing cycle. A tree sheds its leaves only to have new ones again… another unfailing cycle. In Creation, one sees so many such cycles which are actually laws governing us. 

The entire Creation is governed by the Law of Karma. In fact, the Creation itself is the result of this universal law. In the beginning of the Creation there was nothingness and the desire to experience resulted in an action. This Karma or action set the ball rolling for the manifestation of the entire Creation. This thought led to the emergence of Mata Adi Shakti from whom emerged the Tridevs and their three consorts. Just as the ripples from one thought leads to creating more, similarly, each one of us through our thoughts, actions, and deeds are constantly creating ripples and get tied into the reactions of those ripples… into another ripple. 

Because of these constant plays and interplays between various entities, the universe is constantly growing and evolving, nothing can stay static. Even the modern, most relevant to the present day business theory of economics says – “either a company has to grow, or fall down, it can never stay static”. And in order to grow, companies have to constantly innovate and create; otherwise they will cease to exist. Similarly, everything on this earth also has to change and evolve, it cannot stay the same. The day every action in the universe would come to a standstill that day the entire Creation will go back to the state of nothingness, the state where it all evolved from. This is somewhat what the state of shoonya (nothingness) is.

—The writer Yogi Ashwini Ji is the head of Dhyan Foundation, Delhi.
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March 2010

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