Column: Arti Gaur


Aphrodisiacs in ayurveda

Our ancient rishis were absolute authorities on the sciences of the body, mind and spirit. Such was their mastery and level of accuracy on the above subjects, that even today after thousands of years of so called advancements in modern science we have completely failed in coming up with formulas that are better than remedies given by our ancients. Even till date there are some dangerous diseases which have baffled mankind for years and have no cure. These diseases have been described by our ancients specifically into two categories—curable diseases along with specific symptoms and the incurable types which have their own set of unique symptoms. It is amazing to see that they have been described with such accuracy with their respective symptoms described, that they have even given clear instructions to the vaidya (physician) that if a specific disease exhibits certain specific symptoms then he should not even attempt to cure it, because any such attempt for a cure would fail and it would bring nothing but disrepute to the science. Ayurveda in detail discusses the factors which make the body weak and susceptible to disease. One of the primary causes are excessive loss of sookra or the seminal fluid in the body. 

In this article we will talk about aphrodisiacs. Normally aphrodisiacs are referred to as foods that increase sexual appetite. Our ancients have also defined them as foods that increase the body's disease fighting capacity and are veerya and sookra vardhaka. Besides the fact they bring a glow on the user they also tend to increase his gyan of the sciences of the spirit.

To understand the use and effect of aphrodisiacs it is important to understand the term semen or sookra. Semen is actually the unmanifested soul which takes various forms in this world and its production in the body is the seventh and the last tissue element which is formed after six stages of filtering and cleansing. Semen is wasted during sexual act, passionate attachment, and physical pressure. It is ejaculated from the body because of eight factors, viz. excitement, passionate desire, fluidity, slimness, heaviness, anubava (tendency of anu or atomic nature), pravana bhava (flowing out tendency) and the force of vayu (air element).

Wastage of sookra results in a drain on the limited resources of creation. Conserving semen results in its becoming thick, sweet, without putrid smell, heavy, white and slimy in large quantity. This kind of semen helps in procreation.

To conserve sookra in the body it is essential to increase the consumption of aphrodisiacs. Further, being celibate and practicing various yogic techniques have a direct or indirect effect on the amount of sookra in the body. It is a known fact that increased intake of aphrodisiacs, being celibate along with the yogic practices raises a brute to a state of man and a man to divinity.

In our next article we will discuss in detail the foods that act as aphrodisiacs and also give certain ayurvedic concoctions for conserving sookra..

—The writer is an ayurved expert from Dhyan Foundation.
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January 2008

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