“Telangana is the new investment destination of India”

Mr A.P. Jithender Reddy Leader of the Telangana Rashtra Samiti in the Lok Sabha

With added water, what are the potentialities for agro-based industries?

Looking at the potentiality, a lot of agro industries have started coming into Mahabubnagar. Also, the district is very close to the Hyderabad Airport, just 15-20 km away. There is also a national highway spanning 200 km that goes through Mahabubnagar district. Already 14 multinational companies have shown interest and are trying to come into Telangana out of which 9 have given their consent.  Companies such as Procter and Gamble, Johnson and Johnson, Amazon, Cogent, Eureka Forbes have already acquired the land and started building their factories. In fact, Procter and Gamble and Cogent have already started the production. We have signed an agreement with the companies that 80 per cent employees will be locals. We have made all the effort to ensure employment of the locals and prevent migration. We also have uninterrupted power supply. The reservoir project shall be completed within 3 years.

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