January 2016 \ News \ Column: Yogi Ashwini MIND AND BODY
The Avatar

Is an avatar a he or she? Some say that an avatar is neither he nor she.

We should strive to remain unaffected by the positive or negative happening with us because if even the shadow of it falls on us, then we will get carried away and waste our birth. It is because of this bhram that the majority keeps wandering in circles looking for solutions to their physical problems. And what is a solution to any problem? Let me tell you there is nothing called as a ‘solution’ and ‘upay’, there is only karma. If you improve your karmas, then there is no need for any upays, you do not even need to put your mind to a problem because everything falls into place on its own. The one who leads his life making karma as the basis, for him there is nothing which is unattainable. I am not talking about negative karmas here. As soon as a person starts doing good karmas the problems start disappearing. Have you experienced this? If not, then better start doing good karmas because otherwise you will keep trying to preserve what you have and before you know it, your body will fade, you will leave from here for another lok, not necessarily swarg. At that time an account of your karmas will be taken and if you have not done anything good, then you will land in hells and bear a lot of pain.

Tags: Yogi Ashwini

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