October 2020 \ News \ REVIEW OF DIPLOMAT’S BOOK

Winston Churchill once defined diplomacy ...

By Vishnu Makhijani

Would Nazareth have done anything differently during his career?

“I shall always be grateful to the IFS for the maxims (it taught me). As I have done the best I could at every post I have served in, I would not have done anything differently at any of them,” he replied. His varied exposure also served to bring out the philosopher in him, as is evident from the concluding paragraph of the book:

“I pray not only for myself but also for my beloved country India, the Mother Civilisation which has produced more sages and holy men, and over the centuries has culturally enriched more of the world than any other country. I feel privileged to have been born on its soil and blessed to have ample opportunities to serve its interests and stand up for millennial values in various parts of the world...I wish to repay it as best as I can and all it has generally provided me in physical, mental and spiritual sustenance.

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