September 2020 \ Arts & Entertainment \ COLUMN: YOGI ASHWINI MIND AND BODY

Everything in creation is either going up or it is going down ...

By Yogi Ashwini
  • Yogi Ashwini Ji

Everything in creation is either going up or it is going down, nothing is stationary. Presently we are living on earth, but if anyone thinks that he/she will continue to be here birth after birth, it is a mistaken notion. Like everything in Creation, a being too, moves up or down. Earth is only one level of existence, there are dimensions beyond and below.

The dimension of earth or Bhuloka is special in that, from here one can reach any dimension based on his/her desire and backed by requisite karmas. Bhuva is the loka higher than earth, reaching here is possible only through complete detachment. Next comes Swarga loka which can be accessed through recommendation from gods and goddesses. There are specific mantras to please the divine to access Swarga loka.

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