May 2020 \ News \ BUSINESS—KHADI

The Khadi and Village Industries Commission ...

Khadi’s unprecedented growth during the Modi era can also be gauged by the fact that Khadi production since 2015-16, has grown at the average of 19.45% per annum which was merely 6.25% during the previous Government from 2004 to 2014. Similarly, Khadi’s sales grew exponentially during the Modi Government at the annual rate of 27.6% which remained as low as 6.65% from 2004-2014. KVIC Chairman, Vinai Kumar Saxena attributed Khadi’s phenomenal growth to the sustained efforts of Prime Minister Narendra Modi, creative marketing ideas of Minister for MSME, Nitin Gadkari and the active support from various ministries.

“As a result of Government’s sustained efforts to revive the Khadi industry and the Prime Minister’s repeated appeals from various platforms including his radio address “Mann ki Baat”, to adopt Khadi as a necessity of daily life, the KVIC has been continuously going up the growth trajectory,” Saxena said. KVIC’s performance in the year 2019-20, assumes greater significance. As compared to the previous year, i.e. 2018-19, it registered an increase of 31% in the sale of Khadi and over 19% rise in the sale of village industry products despite facing odds like nationwide lockdown in wake of Covid-19 and pan-India anti-CAA/NRC protests in February-March 2020.

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