February 2020 \ News \ US Politics
Indian-origin physicians endorse Biden for prez polls

The American Association of Physicians ...

                                                           Mr Shekar Narasimhan

He said that the AAPI had also preferred Andrew Yang, who is Asian American, but due to the escalating tensions in the Middle East following the killing of Iranian Major General Qasem Soleimani in a drone attack on January 3, “we started asking ourselves ‘who has the best interest of our country?’”

“Joe Biden can lead this country in a way in which we gain back our sanity and our stability in the world,” stated Narasimhan. The AAPI will now organise on-the-ground rallies and digital events, invest in in-language media buys, among other efforts, “to get Biden to the finish line”, Narasimhan told India-West.

In a statement, the AAPI Victory Fund said: “We make this endorsement with enormous respect for the three AAPI candidates and others who entered the presidential race. There is still a tremendous amount of work to be done in the next ten months, and AAPIs are more engaged than ever.” “We are committed to continuing our work for 2020 victories and delivering one million new voters for Joe Biden to win the presidency and for Democrats to increase their House majority and to take back the Senate.”

Tags: USA, Mr Joe Biden

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