February 2020 \ News \ COUNTRY FOCUS—MONGOLIA
Mongolia amends its 1992 democratic Constitution for the second time

Proposed changes and amendments to the new democratic ...

By Chanrav Burenbayar

                                          First President signing the 1992 Constitution

“It becomes impending for each Constitution to change together with the change in the society. To be precise, during the 25 years of the new Constitution, as the society developed and progressed, it started demanding better checks and balance in the distribution of state powers, strengthening of a non-political, qualified, professional and reputable civil service, streamlining of the administrative and local self-governance structures, enhancement of state accountability, discipline and justice, and improvement of the system of law enforcement.”

Mongolia is now on a sure footing of becoming a better law-governed state, although there still are many challenges ahead.

—The author is Minister Counsellor, Embassy of Mongolia in India

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