February 2020 \ News \ COLUMN: TECHNOLOGY
Management by coaching

When I started InterraIT In 1997 ...

By Asoke K Laha
  • Asoke K Laha

When I started InterraIT In 1997, I knew it was going to be challenging. Of course, there was a long view of fun and profit. But the beginning had to be full of struggle and full of abortive experiments. Today after nearly two decades, I am asked by many of my friends and associates about my experience and learning throughout this journey. I thought why not say something about this in this column.

If I try to summarize my experience of doing business in terms of what I have learnt from the roller coaster ride over this timeline, would be simply “management by coaching”.

Dear readers, do not think I am trying to bore you with clichés and jargons of academic management study. Of course, I have been an avid student of management since my research days and early work career in the US. Not only have I burnt midnight oil over the writings of Peter Drucker, Stephen Covey, Jack Welch and Marshal Goldsmith especially after very grueling and hectic days in my workplace but I always found time and opportunity to attend workshops, often over the weekend and the like, of some of them and others like or near them. While Sumanta Ghoshal taught me about “individualized corporation”, Stephen Covey opened new vistas of hope and possibilities before my eyes through the lens of his “Seven Habits” and beyond ( “Eighth habit”- Find your own voice) and Jack Welch imprinted his proactive, aggressive, quality obsession into my veins. I met Stephen Covey in the US and invited Clause Moller to have a workshop with the people of my company in Delhi. I also attended workshops by Marshal Goldsmith and few other gurus in India and abroad.

Tags: Asoke K Laha

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