October 2019 \ News \ INDO-BANGLA TIES
Bangladesh PM reaches out to India Inc for investment

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina ...

CII President Vikram Kirloskar said that India is a committed development partner of Bangladesh, and has extended $8 billion in concessional financing to Bangladesh under three Lines of Credit, and the projects covered under these will help improve infrastructure in Bangladesh in sectors like ports, power, railways, roads and airports. “There is need for greater cooperation in the energy sector, in building roads, railways, ports and inland waterways and in using such connectivity for mutual benefit. This will create jobs, reduce costs and enhance mobility for both countries. There is a need to work together to leverage India’s experience with Digital India to provide a boost to Digital Bangladesh. India experience in rolling out the digital services to remote and rural areas can help Bangladesh in its mission to provide the same services to its own citizens,” Mr Kirloskar said.

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