October 2019 \ News \ INDO-BANGLA TIES
Bangladesh PM reaches out to India Inc for investment

Bangladesh Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina ...

PM Hasina said that persistent growth of global FDI in Bangladesh since her government took over in 2009 reflects the increasing confidence of the foreign investment in Bangladesh, and its strategic location provides tremendous potential for being the economic hub of the region.

“With India on the west, China on the north and Southeast Asia on the east, Bangladesh is in the middle of a combined market of 4 billion people,” she said. India’s Commerce and Industry and Railways Minister Piyush Goyal said: “India stands committed to every request that Bangladesh will make on the railway sector. I would like to see in the very near future, an end-to-end connectivity with Bangladesh and can look at a seamless corridor which can help enable people and goods movement from either side.” “There is a great chemistry between our two leaders and the people, and we would now like to see the same engagement in the business communities and this visit will be the harbinger of better times to come. All of our cultural and sporting ties will help the engagement going forward and follow the path shown by both our founding fathers, Mahatma Gandhi and Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman,” he said.

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