August 2019 \ World News \ INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS
UNSC President refuses comment

UN Security Council President Joanna Wronecka ...

By Arul Louis

With Mr Guterres and General Assembly President Maria Fernanda Espinosa away from the headquarters, Lodhi met Rosemary DiCarlo, the Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs, in August. She had met Mr Guterres’s Chief of State Maria Louisa Ribeiro Viotti earlier.

US says no change in its policy on Kashmir
The US has said that there has been no change in its policy on Kashmir and reiterated its call for India and Pakistan to maintain “calm and restraint”, amid heightening tensions between the two neighbours after New Delhi revoked special status for Jammu and Kashmir.

When asked by reporters in August if there has been any change in the Trump administration’s policy on Kashmir, State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus replied: “No.” “And if there was, I certainly wouldn’t be announcing it here, but no, there’s not,” Ortagus said in response to a follow-up question during a press briefing. “I mean, I think obviously this is something that we watch incredibly closely. It’s something that we’ve called for calm and restraint by all parties. We want to main peace and stability, and we, of course, support direct - the direct dialogue between India and Pakistan on Kashmir and other issues of concern.”

Tags: Arul Louis

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