May 2019 \ World News \
Jamdani An Age-Old Cultural Heritage Of Bangladesh

A display of Bangladeshi Jamdani sarees took place at the Bangladesh High Commission in April. Mrs Tuhfa Zaman Ali, wife of High Commissioner H.E. Syed Muazzem Ali, presided over the function and spoke on the occasion. India Empire’s Consulting Photo Editor Sipra Das captured the engaging and colorful moments ...

During the Mughal era, the Jamdani and muslin production was at its zenith as it was patronized by the Mughals. But during British colonialism the Bengal Jamdani and muslin industries rapidly declined due to colonial import and rise in industrial manufactured products. It was difficult to compete with cheaper industrial products. As Jamdani is a product that is a technical marvel of finer creativity of the artisan craftsman, and is a labor intensive form of weaving, the final product may take five months or more.

Tags: Bangladesh

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