February 2019 \ News \ DIPLOMATS TO INDIA EMPIRE

In the spring of 2018 we organized a think-tank event on Arctic issues ...

  • H.E. Ms Nina Vaskunlahti, Ambassador of Finland

In the spring of 2018 we organized a think-tank event on Arctic issues. It may appear to most that India is very far away from the Arctic, but the truth is that what happens in our part of the world does affect India... We are encouraging India to become an active observer in the Arctic Council of which Finland has chairmanship till next spring (two-year term). So what I’m basically telling you is that what happens 7,000 km away in Finland and the Arctic region impacts what happens in India, and vice versa.


—H.E. Ms Nina Vaskunlahti, Ambassador of Finland to India

We would welcome views and comments from Missions at sayantanc@gmail.com

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