September 2018 \ Business & Investment \ COLUMN: YOGI ASHWINI MIND AND BODY

The Vedic sciences are a perfect science because they deal...

By Yogi Ashwini Ji
  • Yogi Ashwini

The Vedic sciences are a perfect science because they deal in all aspects of creation, not just the physically manifested creation (vyakt) that you see around you but also the unmanifested creation (avyakt). Human being becomes a part of vyakt as well as of avyakt. From avyakt, vyakt manifests and both are two parts of the same composite whole.

The Vedic sciences are real and so is the gyan which they give, tried and time-tested over thousands of year vis-à-vis the modern sciences which do not stand to the test of time and always come with the law of ceteris paribus, that is, all other things being constant.

Tags: Yogi Ashwini
