September 2018 \ Business & Investment \ BUSINESS AND GOVERNANCE
China pitches for Kunming-Kolkata bullet train

Chinese Consul General in Kolkata, Ma Zhanwu...

Chinese Consul General in Kolkata, Ma Zhanwu, in September suggested a bullet train service between Kunming and Kolkata through Myanmar and Bangladesh.

“If the project becomes a reality, it will take only two hours to complete 2,000-km journey, compared with flights that take almost two hours and 30 minutes,” Ma said at a conference in Kolkata. “Most talked about is the bullet train from Kunming to Kolkata and from Kolkata to Kunming. Maybe in the coming decade, it will just take two hours from Kolkata via Dhaka and Myanmar to Kunming,” he said.

He said the service will give a thrust to trade and commerce in the Bangladesh-China-India-Myanmar (BCIM) corridor. Ma said the project figured in the Greater Mekong Subregion meet in Kunming in 2015.

Tags: China
