September 2014 \ Arts & Entertainment \ BOOKS
How the world’s first super hero wanted to eat the sun

Hanuman, beloved God and iconic character in Indian mythology, gets a new look

Hanuman, a pivotal character in the Indian epic Ramayana1, makes his literary debut as “the world’s first super hero” in “Amma Tell Me About Hanuman”, a children’s illustrated book, that will be launched at bookstore Bookazine on 5th October at 3:30pm. A first of a trilogy on the adventures of Hanuman, this is the 8th title in the “Amma2 Tell Me” series.

As author Bhakti Mathur, says “Hanuman is my favorite God, because he is so pure, strong, intelligent and yet so humble. He has conquered his ego and lives his life selflessly. He has many qualities that one can aspire to. I think because he is a monkey and as kids love animals, his playful and naughty nature, combined with his incredible powers such as lifting mountains and flying across seas, make him an instant hit with children. This book introduces Hanuman as a child, to my little readers and I hope they enjoy his adventure of wanting to eat the sun.”

The simple yet meaningful verse and contemporary graphics—a signature element in all “Amma Tell Me” books—provide a fresh and engaging take on this classic mythological figure. “The real motivation for writing the “Amma Tell Me” series was to share with my sons Shiv and Veer, the fascinating stories that I grew up hearing from my grandparents,” says Ms. Mathur.” But I found there were no resources that were simple to understand and yet modern and engaging. So I went ahead and started writing stories in a style that I think kids find fun and non-preachy, so that they will truly enjoy reading and learning about Indian cultural classics and values.”

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