September 2014 \ Business & Investment \ PBD London
Investing in India

India beckons its diaspora for investments in energy, manufacturing and skills. From brain drain to brain bank, the new attitude to engage the diaspora is "Investments are safe: Look at India"

Mr Uday Dholakia, Chairman, Indo-British Trade Council, re-iterated the Indian Disapora's wish to play an important role in the Indo - UK relations.

Mr Deep Kapuria, Chairman Hi Tech Gears and leader of the Indian business delegation to UK talked about scientific and technical collaborations between UK and India. He also said that the Indian diaspora in UK is well placed to establishment of SMEs and knowledge based industries.

Mr Philip Bouverat, Director, JCB said, “There is no doubt in my mind about the quality of Indian products - they are extremely good. JCB has 96 per cent supply chain integrity in India.”

Responding to questions, Mr Amitabh Kant pointed out that the regulatory system in India is very strong. Moreover, land acquisitions norms are streamlining. “It's a good time to invest in India”, he said.

Tags: UK, PBD
