October 2015 \ Business & Investment \ Business and Governance
World Tourism day

  • The Minister of State for Culture, Tourism and Civil Aviation (IC), Dr. Mahesh Sharma speaks on the occasion of World Tourism Day on the topic of “One Billion Tourist One Billion Opportunities”

The Union Ministry of Tourism launched several new initiatives on the occasion of World Tourism Day in October. The Union Minister of State for Tourism (Independent Charge), Culture (Independent Charge) and Civil Aviation, Dr Mahesh Sharma announced the constitution of the Medical and Wellness Tourism Promotion Board at a function in New Delhi. The Board has been formed to tap the potential and advantages that India has in the field of medical and wellness tourism. The Centre of Excellence in Hospitality Education to operate from Hotel Samrat was also inaugurated at New Delhi in October. Release of Tourism Vision Document 2030, launch of the revamped website of Ministry of Tourism http://tourism.gov.in/ which has now been made bilingual, release of Audio Visual Presentation ‘Introduction to India’ and a seminar on the theme of World Tourism Day 2015 ‘One Billion Tourist, One Billion Opportunities’ were some of the other highlights of the function.

Speaking on the occasion, Dr Mahesh Sharma said that low cost medical facilities are India’s strength and we must take advantage of the same for the purpose of promoting tourism. It is for this reason that the Government took the important decision of setting up the Medical and Wellness Tourism Promotion Board. The Board will have a corpus fund of Rs 2 crore initially, the Minister disclosed. Dr Mahesh Sharma said that the AYUSH facilities will be promoted along with regular medical facilities.

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