By Yogi Ashwini of Dhyan Ashram

Yog is a 5000-year-old science. When the whole world was living in caves and jungles according to modern historians, then the highly developed people of Bharat were revealing the secrets of creation... scientifically; so scientifically that till date the modern sciences are unable to match their precision and accuracy.

In this article, we will delve upon a common human malady, the problem of migraine, according to this 5000-year-old science for achieving a perfect balance in all spheres of life.

In Ayurveda, two conditions, known as Ardhaavabheda (half sided headache) and Anantavaata (the unilateral pain), resemble the classic migraine. Migraine is commonly misunderstood as a headache. It is actually not a headache, the headache is just a symptom of an imbalance that exists somewhere else. There are two main reasons for a migraine. Usually it is the aggravated pitta dosha that is at the root of the problem. Pitta dosha impairs digestion and the ama produced by this gets stored in the manovah stotras (mind channels) and causes migraine. Migraine may also be attributed to irregularities in the rakta dhatu (blood) resulting in excessive flow of blood in the meningococcal region (membranes covering the brain and spinal cord). In a rare case, swelling of blood vessels in the brain may also lead to migraine attacks.

The book, ‘Sanatan kriya: The Ageless Dimension’ explains in detail the various kriyas and remedies to restore the balance in various dhatus and elements in the body. For the benefit of the reader, I quote here some of these techniques to tackle the problem of migraine.

 To avoid migraines, avoid excesses of any kind. Your lifestyle should reflect ‘ati sarvatra varjayeth’ or moderation in all things. Avoid quick fix painkillers because they aggravate the problem and once their effect wears off the frequency of headaches starts to increase plus then you don’t look for its triggers and get caught in a vicious cycle of pain and pills. Instead, for some quick relief lie down quietly in a dark room and put an ice pack on your neck and/or forehead and temples. You can also crush some ginger and apply its paste on your forehead.

Nadi Shodhan Pranayam is an effective and powerful technique to cleanse your system and induce a state of perfect balance. For this, sit with your spine absolutely straight. Place your middle finger between the eyebrows. The ring finger presses your left nostril and the thumb is on your right nostril. Inhale from the left nostril and exhale through the right. And then inhale through the right nostril and exhale through the left. This is one cycle. You inhale to the count of four and exhale to the count of eight or twelve or sixteen. It should be a rhythmic movement without any breath retention. Start with seven cycles and increase gradually.

Perform this pranayam in tandem with the Chakra Santulan Pranayam as detailed in Sanatan Kriya. While practicing any pranayama, it is important to sit in a well-ventilated room. Pranayama must not be practiced in a breezy or dusty environment or under the direct blast of an air cooler or fan. It is recommended that the pranayam be practiced under strict guidance of an expert. Doing pranayamas in an unsupervised manner either by copying from TV or reading from somewhere can cause long term irreparable damages in the body.

For some more relief extract the juice of giloy (tinospora cordifolia) and have it with 1 tsp of honey. Otherwise take three grams of coriander seeds, five grams of lavender flowers, five seeds of black pepper, and five almonds. Make sure you soak the almonds overnight in water and remove the skin before preparing the paste. Grind with water, sieve, and take before sunrise.

In case of a severe headache, you can dip your feet in a bath of warm water with a few drops of organic and natural eucalyptus oil, for 15-20 minutes for instant relief. If the problem persists, you may contact Dhyan Ashram. (


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