September 2024 \ News \ COVER STORY

In the world grappling with the threat of climate change, a clean energy transition assumes critical importance. It not only opens significant economic opportunities but also plays an important role in fostering innovations and increasing investments.

“India’s journey towards energy transition has been remarkable. It has not shied away from setting bold targets and is actively pursuing energy transition through various sectors including electricity, industry, transport, and agriculture.

“In the global shift towards renewable energy, solar energy has set the momentum in providing a sustainable solution to the increasing energy concerns. I can say, in the coming times, solar will be the game-changer in the way we create and consume electricity, and in accomplishing India’s challenging goal of achieving 500GW of installed electric capacity.

“Towards that, the International Solar Festival provides a fantastic platform for bringing together diverse stakeholders, and highlighting the power and potential of solar energy, thereby accelerating the transition to a clean and just energy transition. I hope it will be a grand success.

Dr Vibha Dhawan,

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