By Sayantan Chakravarty and Bula Devi

Minister Joshi flanked by Mr Bhupinder Singh Bhalla, Secretary, MNRE (left) and Dr Mathur at the exhibit complex

The support from ISA has been instrumental in this endeavor. “We are proud to be recognized as one of the preferred locations to host the global solar facility for the African region. This initiative will mobilize the necessary funds to accelerate solar integration ensuring that our energy transition is greener,” the Mauritian Prime Minister said.

As the gathering celebrated the power of the Sun, Australian High Commissioner to India H.E. Philip Green informed the gathering that 44,000 power generating units across the world were producing electricity using solar and wind energy. “We through Indian leadership and partnerships, are bringing in renewable energy. Australia is the driest country and India can rely on Australia for renewable energy, green steel, green batteries, etc,” he said.

Suriname Ambassador to India H.E. Arunkoemar Hardien asserted that unified vision and efforts can always ensure that all nations, regardless of their economic status, have access to the technologies and expertise to build a sustainable energy future. “By bringing together countries with a shared commitment to promoting solar energy, the ISA is playing a pivotal role in driving the global solar revolution,” he said.

Oscar awardee A.R.Rahman (centre) and his group regale the audience

The inauguration was also addressed by the ISA Vice Presidents and Vice Chairs from the Latin America and the Caribbean Region and the Asia and Pacific Region. At the sidelines of the festival, the ISA announced that it has entered into exclusive discussions with Africa50, to have it serve as a potential investment manager for ISA’s proposed Africa Solar Facility (ASF). The ASF is a $200 million initiative designed to unlock investment in distributed solar projects across Africa. By offering tailor-made and cost-effective financing solutions, the facility aims to bridge the gap in a currently underserved market, where smaller project sizes and high perceived risks have hindered solar investment.

Indeed this beautiful planet—as astronaut Sunita Williams gets to see from up above somewhere in the sky—needs solar-powered energy like never before.


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