By Yogesh Sood

One of the tag lines in your Vision Statement says, “Let us together make the sun brighter.” Could you throw more light on it?

The International Solar Alliance (ISA) envisions a future where solar energy is central to combating climate change and ensuring universal energy access. Our vision statement, “Let us together make the sun brighter,” highlights the need for collective action in harnessing solar power for a sustainable future.

The ISA’s mission, “Every home, no matter how far away, will have a light at home,” reflects their dedication to providing solar energy access to remote and underserved areas. To achieve these ambitious goals, the ISA aims to mobilize USD 1,000 billion in solar energy investments by 2030, deliver energy access to 1,000 million people, and install 1,000 GW of solar energy capacity, thereby mitigating global solar emissions by 1,000 million tonnes of CO2 annually.

To realize these objectives, the ISA has launched several key initiatives. These include creating solar-friendly policies, establishing Solar Technology and Application Resource Centres (STAR-C) for capacity building, and aggregating demand for solar technology to reduce costs and increase accessibility. The ISA places special emphasis on supporting Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) by assisting governments in formulating solar-friendly policies and building local capacity through training programs. Collaborating with multilateral development banks, private and public sectors, and civil society, the ISA secures funding and technical support for solar projects. Our “Towards 1000” strategy aims to significantly impact global solar energy deployment by 2030, focusing on mobilizing investments, delivering energy access, and installing solar capacity to reduce carbon emissions.

Please talk us through the thought process behind the setting up of the CEO Caucus in June 2024?

The CEO Caucus, launched by the International Solar Alliance (ISA) in June 2024, aims to create a high-level platform for the global solar industry’s top leaders to address the sector’s most pressing challenges and opportunities. This consultative platform fosters collaboration among industry leaders and key stakeholders, with a primary mission to identify and tackle critical challenges to accelerating solar deployment, particularly those necessary to achieve Net Zero goals by mid-century. During its inaugural meeting in Brussels, the Caucus identified several key challenges, including the need to enhance manufacturing capabilities in emerging markets and developing economies, and the importance of collaboration between R&D centers to accelerate technological advancements. Additionally, the Caucus discussed initiatives to boost demand for solar commodities and innovative funding schemes to raise private capital and make concessional finance available, particularly for solar deployment initiatives in the Global South.

The goal of the CEO Caucus is to create a collaborative environment where CEOs can share insights, drive innovation, and collectively shape the future of the solar industry. By bringing together leaders from different sectors, the Caucus aims to promote cross-sector collaboration, enhancing efforts in solar manufacturing, investment, and technology. The series of Caucus meetings will culminate at the ISA’s International Solar Festival 2024, where a Pathway document charting the future course will be revealed. This document will reflect the collective expertise and insights gathered from the series of events, providing a strategic direction for the sustainable growth of the solar industry. Ultimately, the focus of the CEO Caucus is on leveraging the collective expertise of industry leaders to stimulate innovation, which is crucial for the long-term success and sustainability of the global solar industry.


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