August 2024 \ World News \ BALTIC STATES

Tallinn: The Parliament of Estonia (Riigikogu) in July gave Kristen Michal, the Reform Party’s candidate for prime minister, a mandate to form a new government. At an extraordinary session of the Riigikogu, 64 MPs voted to give Michal the mandate, while 27 voted against.

Prior to the vote, Michal gave a 20-minute overview of the grounds for forming the government. Subsequently, the mainly opposition deputies asked the prime minister-designate critical questions and criticized the coalition deal, particularly the tax increases it envisages.

Michal said the tax increases were justified by the need to increase spending on defense and internal security, Xinhua news agency reported. At the same time, the prime minister-designate also promised spending cuts and reforms in governance, as well as steps to stimulate economic growth and the transition to a green economy.

Tags: Estonia

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