August 2024 \ News \ Cover Story


What is the message you have for doctors who are trapped in the vicious cycle of meeting management targets and overcharging patients?

I wish the profession, in true scientific temper and service of humanity, to rise above our conditioning to explore complementary benefits of harmless drug-free modalities of officially recognized systems of traditional health. Let us join together to establish scientific credibility of this phenomenon by ‘Pilot Projects’ complementing best practices of modern medicine with drug-free modalities of traditional Indian and Chinese systems for their benefits to achieve health objectives of humanity and restore lost glory of the medical profession. The authorities need revolutionary support to the way health care is practised today and upgrade it to W.H.O. recommended model of optimum integration of various systems of health, especially when it’s been promulgated in our national health policy.


As a practitioner of holistic medicine, what is your own philosophical and spiritual thought process towards the discipline?

Modern medicine treats the human being as a mere machine with each specialist taking care of a respective organ of the body. On the other hand, the Ayurvedic Samhita, the Yoga Sutras and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) extend a quantum view of the human being as a whole comprising the ‘body-mind-spirit’ complex of the universal whole.

My rich experience at complementing best practices of all drug-based systems at different levels of health with drug-free modalities of the traditional systems gives me a ‘Eureka’ feeling to share its infinite benefits with the whole world. This ‘synergy’ predictably enables clinical benefits which may be termed reproducible and sustainable ‘MIRACLE’ in each case.

Could you please encapsulate what SOHAM stands for, and its aims and objectives…

The word “SOHAM” represents the abbreviation for Society For Holistic Advancement of Medicine which was formed to promote the cause of positive health and total wellness ‘body-mind-spirit’ at all ages and at all levels of health. It is dedicated to reverse all sickness and restore wellness by complementing best practices of all the systems and specialties of medicine, as far as possible, by harmless drug-free natural means which are efficient, easily accessible, predictable, reproducible and sustainable - thereby qualifying to be a scientific phenomenon. It holds promise to enable “Health For All” within our limited national means by enhancing the vision and skills of available human resources.

It’s proven its versatility beyond the restrictive prevailing W.H.O. definition of health which addresses only physical, mental and social aspects of health, by adding the vital ‘spiritual’ ingredient of being human. It, thereby, offers to enable a path breaking lead to the whole world in optimum healthcare. In spiritual language the word “SOHAM” means union or oneness (Yoga) of the finite human soul (Jiva Atma) with infinite universal consciousness (Param Atma), for attaining the state of Total Wellness(Bliss = Ananda).

Please tell us about some of the services you provide…

The “SOHAM” model of health complements best practices of all drug based recognised systems of medicine with harmless natural modalities like Conservative Medicine, Ayurveda including lifestyle based on seasonal and daily variations, organic balanced nutrition, pancha karmas for detoxification, suchiveda - developed to its present status and thereby known to the modern world as Acupuncture from the TCM, Ashtanga Yoga including its modern modalities like Reiki, Pranic Healing, Aura-Chakra, Music-Mantras and Vibration healing, etc., plus Psycho-Neuro-Hypnotherapy as well as Physiotherapy wherever needed. The expertise lies in sound knowledge of health to create a synergistic optimization of all its modalities like conducting a ‘symphony’ of various music instruments.

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