July 2024 \ World News \ International Relations

By Bula Devi

The former Foreign Secretary is convinced that it can provide a win-win situation for both. India can become a voice of the Global South also. Before India held the G20 Summit in Delhi in September 2023, it hosted in January a special virtual Summit called the Voice of Global South Summit, under the theme ‘Unity of Voice, Unity of Purpose’. The initiative was aimed at bringing together countries of the Global South and share their perspectives and priorities on a common platform across a gamut of issues.

He says, “India may not be the only bridge but certainly one of the key connecting factors between the Global South and the West in an institutionalised format”.  

However, every country protects its own interests. The West may be courting India today but it may not do so tomorrow. India has faced US sanctions in the past. Former ambassador Bhatia emphasises that the relationship is “mutually beneficial but there are limits: India is a partner but not an ally, and the West has levers to pressure and criticise India from time to time”. According to him, the nature of India-West partnership has its limits. “So, both will continue to have options. That is how global geopolitics works,” explains Bhatia.

One needs to be watchful, says former Foreign Secretary Mathai. “We are always watchful to keep track of our interest, that is the key. I believe at present it suits our interest to work with the West because of many factors.

“Firstly, the G7 outreach does not limit us in our entire armoury of foreign policy, in our ability to continue to use BRICS, G20 or even G77.

“Secondly, the G7 is a geo-economic strategy and does not change or limit our policy on geo-politics and national security management, no way does it impinge on these. It’s a useful addition.

“Thirdly, the principal challenge of our country whether on foreign policy, national security or economic growth is China. Keeping close ties with the West is ideal. The West has a complex relationship with China, far more intense than with India. There are difficulties growing in it. They may look for alternatives for investment, and from our point of view, whether it is trading or room for manoeuvre in foreign policy, all those forums like the G7 where China is not represented is a useful forum for us. Besides, we are a democracy and so there is much more to share with other major democracies in the world in terms of values and so on,” explains Mathai.

Tags: G7

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