July 2024 \ World News \ International Relations

By Bula Devi

Mathai underlines the geo-economic factor and not geo-political factor that drives the West’s inclination towards India. He asserts, “India is given special treatment as a geo-economic partner but not pulled in as a geo-political partner because they know that India will maintain its strategic autonomy. But, in geo-economic terms, India could be a cooperative partner.”

Rajiv Bhatia, former Ambassador and Distinguished Fellow Gateway House believes that the West is looking at India because it is “a major emerging economy, the largest democracy, and an active leader of the Global South.” He says that India is “wooed by the West”. He, however, emphasises: “The latter wants India on its side in its geo-political confrontation with China and Russia.”

Of America essentially steering the G7, former ambassador Anil Trigunayat asserts: “The G7 is essentially led by the US which looks at India not only as a big economic opportunity but also a pivot to its Sino-US consequential in its geo-political context”.

Trigunayat also feels that factors such as India’s population, a good track record on multilateral diplomacy, and its rapidly growing economy, have forced the G7 to look up to India.  “As the world is going through a sort of disorder, a moment of several cold wars in place, they don’t want us to side with the other side. So they are keeping us engaged,” says Trigunayat.

If the warm gesture from the West can turn into a win-win situation for both, it surely pays dividends to both sides and gives a much desirable space. “For the G7, getting India’s support on major issues is essential as we are one of the key players in the world economy, while for India it ensures our leverage in multi-alignment in geo-economic terms; it also enables us to bring issues of the Global South and it does not stop us from continuing as a member of BRICS or G20 and using those forums for what we want,” says Mathai.

Tags: G7

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