February 2024 \ Business & Investment \ Business News
748 GW solar power potential

New Delhi: India’s total solar energy potential has been estimated at 748 GWp (Giga Watt peak), Union Minister for New & Renewable Energy and Power, R.K. Singh, informed Parliament in February. The estimate has been provided by the National Institute of Solar Energy (NISE), on the basis of data from Waste Land Atlas of India 2010.

Rajasthan tops the list with 1,42,310 MW, followed by the Union Territory of Jammu & Kashmir in second spot with 1,11, 050 MW, while Maharashtra is placed third with a potential of 64,320 MW. The other states that figure in the country’s top 10 list for solar power potential are: Madhya Pradesh (61,660 MW), Andhra Pradesh (38,440 MW), Gujarat (35,770 MW), Himachal Pradesh (33,840 MW), Odisha (25,780 MW), Karnataka (24,700 MW) and Uttar Pradesh (22,830 MW).

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