December 2023 \ News \ News

Guwahati: A Joint Exercise between India and Malaysia took place with full steam covering the vast canvas of multi-domain operations in sub-conventional environments at the Foreign Training Node in Shillong’s Umroi Cantonment, officials said in October.

Lt. Col. Mahendra Rawat, PRO defence at Guwahati said that with an aim of achieving interoperability, the personnel of both the Armies were put into exercise for the past one week.

“Both the contingents were put on combat conditioning and tactical training which included firing drills and ‘battle hardening’ work sessions. Emphasis was given on special training of troops in the jungle to include Hellebore operation, rock climbing, jungle survival techniques and reflex shooting and employment of snipers, IED and counter IED drills, army martial art routine etc,” he added.

The Indian contingent took the opportunity to get acquainted with the operational procedures and drills of Malaysian Contingent and vice versa. The joint exercise, known as Harimau Shakti -IV 2023 began October 23 and will conclude on November 5.

In the exercise, the Command Post Exercise (CPX), a table top planning event focused on unit commanders and staff officers’ abilities of operational plan formulations. During this, missions are tracked on computer screens, maps, overlays while simulated insurgents’ groups fight back, the officer said.


Tags: Malaysia

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