Devik forces must dominate

Creation is a sum total of positive (devik) and negative (asurik) forces, the former aids the process of creation and the latter causes destruction...

By Yogi Ashwini
  • Yogi Ashwini Ji

Creation is a sum total of positive (devik) and negative (asurik) forces, the former aids the process of creation and the latter causes destruction, both are necessary for the movement of Creation. Every individual in being the microcosm of creation has aspects of both positivity and negativity at all times, it is the level of negativity which decides whether the person is asurik or devik. Silence, stillness, stability and peace are properties of devik forces. Anger, jealousy, hyperactivity, resentment are indicative of possession of asurik forces and pave way for destruction of the body and devolution of soul.

History abounds with examples of asurs who disrupted acts of positivity, interfered in yagyas, killed innocent beings, destroyed resources of earth. Devik forces on the other hand, were inclined towards spirituality, took to meditation, penance, yagyas and other acts of protecting creation.

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