March 2022 \ Cover Story \ COVER STORY
Recent major developments at the International Solar Alliance

By Yogesh Sood

The ISA Secretariat threaded several impact-oriented partnerships at the COP26 including with the Global Energy Alliance for People and Planet, an initiative of the Rockefeller Foundation, for rapid deployment of affordable solar energy solutions aligned with the needs of the developing / least-developed countries. The ISA Secretariat has also signed an Energy Compact with SEforALL at COP26 to support energy access, energy transition, and energy security.

ISA has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with UNFCCC at COP 26 to support ISA membership in developing a roadmap for and implementing their respective Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), particularly LDC/SIDS member countries, under the Paris Agreement.

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Tags: solar energy
