Garbh Upanishad

By Yogi Ashwini of Dhyan Ashram

Gyan flows from Guru to shishya, there is no book or kriya or mantra that can replace a Guru. It is the Guru shishya parampara that has bestowed Bharatvarsha with the reservoirs of gyan in the form of Upanishads. In fact, the term ‘upanishad’ translates as ‘sitting near the Guru’ and is formed from two words – ‘upa’ that is ‘near’, and ‘nishad’ which means ‘to sit’. Just sitting in the company of Guru can reveal truths so profound and deep that even till date many parts of the Upanishads are yet to be explored by modern scientists. Garbha Upanishad, the treatise on conception and growth of a child in the mother’s womb, is one such example.

Given at least 4000 years ago by Rishi Pippalaada, the Garbha Upanishad details how conception takes place, factors that determine gender and traits of the baby, the environment inside the womb, the stages in development of embryo and what it goes through...It might come as a surprise but in the womb itself the being starts making promises…and forgets them the moment it is out of the womb. In the absence of a Guru, the being is unable to fulfil the promise in its lifetime and before it knows, it is making another promise, this time in an ICU to improve in its next birth…and the body disintegrates. Once again it takes shelter in another womb, repeating its promise and forgetting to keep it, the cycle goes on…

I have detailed below the journey of the spirit from womb to the world as given in Garbha Upanishad as a reminder of the promise each one of you made…and as a wakeup call, to find a Guru who can put you on the reverse journey, lest you waste this birth as well.

The five-fold body comprises earth that sustains, water that consolidates, fire that illuminates, air that brings in motion and ether that lends space. The five sense organs help perceive the physical creation, the genitals are for pleasure and apana for elimination, intellect helps understand, mind helps to think and words are used to speak. This body is supported by six rasas (tastes), associated with six gunas (qualities), consists of seven dhatus (tissues), three malas (wastes), two yonis and is nourished by four ahaars (foods). The proper combination of gunas give rise to six rasas from which blood is created. From blood, flesh, then fat, bones, marrow and semen. The combination of semen and blood human embryo is formed.

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