September 2021 \ Business & Investment \ COLUMN: YOGI ASHWINI MIND AND BODY

The body is essentially the five elements—earth, water, fire ...

By Yogi Ashwini of Dhyan Ashram

Our body is a reflection of the entire creation with its five elements. Earth forms the core of the creation, similarly the muscles and bones comprise the earth element and form the core structure of our body. Above the earth surface, one finds water — rivers, oceans and other water bodies. Similarly, in our body, Mooladhar gives way to Swadhisthan, which represents the water element. There is absolute darkness at the bottom of the ocean. As one rises through water to the surface of the water body, there is light. As one rises up the Swadhisthan chakra in the body, there is Manipoorak, chakra of agnitattva. Agni is not just fire, it is also light (responsible for vision), the digestive fire (responsible for digestion) and sexual energy (responsible for procreation). In fact, the ability of door-drishiti, which we call clairvoyance, also originates from the agnitattva. If jaap of Manipoorak chakra is done properly, then the eyesight can never deteriorate.

On the surface of water there is light, and above that winds blow, that is the air element. According to Ayurveda, two-third of the diseases of the body are caused by an imbalance in the vatadosha or the vayu. If you observe an air element in nature, you will notice that it moves swiftly traversing large distances in a matter of seconds. Of the three doshas of vata, pitta and kapha, vata is the most mobile. Diseases caused by it become severe in no time. That is why the air element needs to be handled with care and should not be increased arbitrarily by sitting in Gyan mudra. If it goes out of control, then a disease will manifest in the body. After the atmosphere, there is sky or ether.

Tags: Yogi Ashwini

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