January 2017 \ Arts & Entertainment \ COLUMN:YOGI ASHWINI MIND AND BODY
Happy New Year

Happy New Year…What is new? The same temperature, the same climate, the same environment and the same thoughts.

By Yogi Ashwini Ji
  • Yogi Ashwini Ji

Happy New Year…What is new? The same temperature, the same climate, the same environment and the same thoughts. If you want to know about the new year, look up a Vedic calendar.

In 1835, Lord Macaulay had said in the British Parliament, that the only way conquer India was to “break the backbone of the nation, which is her spiritual and cultural heritage”. He proposed to replace the ancient education system, “for if the Indians think that all that is foreign is good and greater than their own…they will become what we want them, a truly dominated nation.”

Macaulay was right. India has been subjected to countless invasions for centuries together – Persians, Greeks, Turks, Arabs, Afghans, Iranians, Mongols, Mughals…none could break the spirit of India, they all came and blended into our rich and diverse culture. It was with the coming of British rule, and subsequent misrepresentation of our culture and history to the English educated youth that the destruction of culture, of ethics and values began and with it began the downfall of our nation. Our texts were destroyed, their phenomenal knowledge used for development of foreign lands. The sciences of energy were replaced by culture of aping the colonial rulers.

Tags: Yogi Ashwini

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