December 2016 \ Cover Story \ Cover Story: Interview
"We are the largest banking group in Afghanistan"

Interview with Mr Mohammad Salem Omaid President and Chief Executive Officer, Azizi Bank

Mr M Salem Omaid, CEO and President, Azizi Bank, Afghanistan speaks to India Empire Magazine on the bank’s growth story and its future expansion plans

Azizi Bank will be focused on Capacity Building through robust training

Please let us know the history and background of Azizi Bank…
Azizi Bank is a commercial bank in the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan set up in the year 2006. It has been the vision of Mr. Mirwais Azizi of the distinguished Azizi Hotak Group and Family to set up an establishment in the country providing services to all sectors of the population. The bank was initially set up with a capital of USD 5 Million and 25 employees. Today the bank has a statutory paid up capital of more than USD 80 Million with the Central Bank and employs more than 1,500 employees.
