Power of Yagya

A yagya is a means of direct interaction with the positive forces in creation. Vedas abound with descriptions of yagyas performed the rishis and munis to energise the manifested creation. Devs and devis would come to be a part of such yagyas.

By Yogi Ashwini Ji

There exists positive and negative in every aspect of creation. There is no body or place or time period, that can be called all positive or all negative. Some have more positive, some more negative. A glowing and radiant body indicates dominance of positive, an ageing and diseased body is a symptom of increased negativity. Similarly a pollution free environment is an indicator of positivity while deteriorating surroundings point towards a higher proportion of negativity. Satyug was the time when devs and devis and rishis and munis would roam about freely on earth, since the positivity was at its peak. The present times, the times of kaliyug, are times of heightened negativity and so, subtler energies like yogis and gurus are rare to find in the body, and devs and devis can only be accessed in their subtle forms by invoking positive aspect of creation through certain yogic practices and acts of charity and service.

Sanatan Kriya details the amazing science of yagyas as given by the vedic rishis to induce positivity in the body as well as surroundings. The practice involves making oblations to fire alongwith specific chants. The fire having the ability of transformation can transform the physical into the subtle and the mantras have the ability to manifest the ability and power of devas in the physical world and also have the power and ability to control nature and normal human physical lives. At the beginning of a yagya, a sankalp is made which indicates the purpose for which the yagya is conducted. Then the ahvahan (invocation) of specific devs and devis is done requesting them to bless the yagya.

A yagya performed under the sanidhya of a Guru, with purity thought, ingredients and the correct chants, has the effect of completely changing the environment – the weather changes, air becomes fragrant, birds perch on the trees around, there is peace and stillness within and outside and diseases disappear – these are all indicators of warding off negativity and manifestation of positive forces in creation. Sadhaks at Dhyan Ashram routinely conduct such yagyas for purity of homes, environment and body, the manifestations are witnessed and recorded and their effects felt by one and all. To quote a recent example, at the end of five day yagya performed by the sadhaks of Dhyan Ashram, a 71 year old man who had been advised to be put on the ventilator by the doctors, reported regaining health without even visiting a hospital. The yagya invoked the specific energy of maha-mrityunjai ji, which along with gayatri mantra, forms a part of the Sanjeevani Vidya as possessed by Shukracharya. The gyan of the complete vidya is lost in the kaliyug.

Tags: Yogi Ashwini
