July 2016 \ News \ COLUMN:?YOGI ASHWINI
What are the contaminations?

By Yogi Ashwini Ji

The third contamination is maya or attachment. You have two hands. If you have to pick up a stool, you will have to use both your hands. Now if I tell you to pick up the chair after that, how will you do it? You will have to leave the stool first or no? At one point of time can you pick up two things? If you want to take up the ultimate journey of the final frontier, if you have a guru, then understand that at one point of time you can focus on only one thing. Just try to look at the person sitting on your right and on your left at the same time, now try to comfort your friend who is sitting next to you while looking at the person behind you. Can you do it? No. You know it but still you cannot understand that at one point of time you can only focus on one thing. This is called contamination.

Second part to be concluded in forthcoming issue of India Empire Magazine.

—The writer Yogi Ashwini Ji is the head of Dhyan Foundation, Delhi. For details contact: ashwiniyogi@yahoo.co.in



Tags: Yogi Ashwini

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