June 2017 \ News \ GURU RAM DAS ASHRAM
Spiritual Home

Guru Ram Das Ashram in Los Angeles is the spiritual home for countless individuals...

Your sacred space is where you can find yourself again and again.
—Joseph Campbell, American writer and lecturer

Guru Ram Das Ashram in Los Angeles is the spiritual home for countless individuals who have adopted the practices of Kundalini Yoga and the lifestyle of Sikh Dharma. Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji, affectionately known as Yogi Bhajan, had the vision to purchase Guru Ram Das Ashram on December 23, 1971 as a place to inspire others to live a life of Truth based on the Guru’s teachings.

Over the years, thousands of individuals from a wide variety of backgrounds, faiths and places far and wide have visited Guru Ram Das Ashram. The vibration created by daily devotional Seva (selfless service) and the many meditations and Kirtan programs held there throughout the years have made Guru Ram Das Ashram a sacred place which manifests Guru’s light and love. This penetrating, uplifting and powerful vibration comes from the deep reverence and respect that the many devotees of the Guru and soul-searchers bring with them in their longing to belong to something extraordinary in Divine.

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