Q and A
Mr Ajay Jain, CMD
I am told the demand for Power in Andhra Pradesh is ever increasing and supply too is at record level. What was the power supply position during 2010?
The average energy met per day during December, 2010 is 192 MU as against 198 MU during the same period previous year registering a decrease of 3%. The peak demand met during December, 2010 is 9683 MW as against 9309 MW during the same period previous year registering an increase of 4%. There is no load relief and scheduled power cut to any sector in the State since 1st July, 2010.
How about the power supply in villages in the State?
24 Hours lighting supply is being extended to the villages in the State at present.
How come you are able to meet such spurt in demand?
Annual overhauls of thermal stations of APGENCO and Central Generating Stations have been advanced as the demand in the State is reduced due to active monsoon and increased hydel generation. To meet the shortfall in March and April, Government of Andhra Pradesh have already approved for purchase of 1000 MW during March and 800 MW during April and orders for purchase of above quantity of power have already been placed.
How about the per capita power consumption in the State?
The total consumers in the State as on 31-12-2010 are 226.21 lakhs out of which 177 lakhs are domestic and 28.29 lakhs agriculture consumers. The per capita consumption of State has increased from 575 Units during 2003-04 to 929 Units during 2009-10.
How is the power generation in Andhra Pradesh? I am told you have an ambitious power generation plan?
The Installed capacity of the State as on 31-12-2010 is 14781 MW. It is proposed to add 16862 MW capacity by end of 12th Plan. 10 Nos., 400 kV, 98 Nos., 220 kV, 290 Nos., 132 kV, 3837 Nos., 33 kV substations and 7.8 lakh DTRs are existing as on 31-12-2010.
It is proposed to add 6 Nos., 400 KV, 37 Nos., 220 KV, 125 Nos., 132 KV and 1311 Nos. 33 kV Substations during next 4 years. It is also proposed to add about 1 lakh DTRS each year in next 4 years. It is proposed to invest an amount of about Rs.14,000 crores in T&D sector in next four years.
What are the novel plans afoot to improve the quality of power supply and reduce the T&D losses?
The T&D Losses reduced from 22.30% in 2003-04 to 18.34% in 2009-10. The transmission availability increased from 99.85% to 99.89% during 2009-10. All efforts are being made to increase to 99.90% this year to meet the targets of APERC. HVDS is already implemented for 6.54 lakh pumpsets at a cost of Rs.2,032 crores out of a total of 28.29 lakh agricultural pumpsets existing in the State. A Project for a loan assistance of Rs.990 crores under Overseas Development Authority (ODA) package for implementation of HVDS in 16 districts for 2.24 lakh pumpsets is posed for Japan International Co-operation Agency (JICA).
What about agricultural connections and segregation of agricultural feeders to help the farmers?
Government of AP have sanctioned for release of 1.5 lakhs agriculture connections during the year, out of which 60,000 connections have been released till December, 2010 and it is programmed to release the balance by end of March, 2011.
Segregation of agricultural feeders is taken up with an objective of providing 24 hours 3 phase supply to villages to promote industries in rural areas. Detailed Project Report has been finalised for segregation of 8878 agriculture feeders at an estimated cost of Rs.3014 crores. Pilot project for implementation in 1 mandal in each circle has been taken up at an estimated cost of Rs. 81 Crores. This would be completed by March, 2011.
What about the RGGVY schemes in Andhra Pradesh?
13,435 un-electrified habitations and 30 lakhs (77%) rural households including 24.35 lakh (96.98%) BPL Rural Households have been electrified at a cost of Rs. 758.03 crores under RGGVY. Revised cost estimates for 20 projects were submitted to REC for sanction and sanctions are awaited. To meet the projected load from 2015 onwards, APDISCOMS have initiated for procurement of power through Case-I Bidding.
How about power financing in Andhra Pradesh? Are you able to tap external funds?
Power Finance Corporation (PFC) has sanctioned an amount of Rs.388.8 Crs and released an amount of Rs.116.43 crs. under Part-A of R-APDRP for 114 towns covering four Discoms of Andhra Pradesh. Under Part-B, M/s PFC has sanctioned an amount of Rs.1056.59 crorres for 42 towns for reduction of AT&C Losses and system strengthening. Rs.158.47 crs has been released as advance by PFC.
Well done, Mr Ajay Jain. You are doing a commendable job. Keep it. Up. I am sure the day is not far off when A.P. will become not only self-sufficient in power but also a power surplus State.