Column: Arti Gaur



Imbalance in any of the doshas, (vata, pitta and kapha), dhatus (rasa, rakta, mansa, meda, asthi, majja, sukra) and malas (excreta of seven types) results in a disease in the body. Out of these we have already discussed the signs and symptoms of imbalance in doshas. Let’s understand the symptoms and signs of disturbed dhatus.

In case of decrease in rasa dhatu the symptoms generally seen are restlessness, palpitation, cardiac pain, intolerance of loud sounds and exhaustion with even slightest exertion. Disturbance in rakta dhatu shows as dryness, roughness, exhaustion, paleness, loss of luster from hair and skin and cracks in the skin. In case of decrease in mansa dhatu, there is emaciation, especially around hips, neck chest and abdomen, exhaustion, loss of appetite.

Disturbed meda dhatu results in thinness especially around the abdomen, lack of strength, cracking of joints, and weariness of eyes. Imbalance in asthi dhatu results in hair fall including hair of beard moustaches, weak nails, weak teeth, and looseness in joints. Decrease in majja dhatu results in weakness, loss of weight, brittle bones, and generally bones are afflicted with diseases caused by vata.

Disturbed sukra dhatu results in emaciation, weariness, pallor, impotency and non ejaculation of semen.

Ayurveda describes the body as the sum total of doshas, dhatus and malas, "dosha dhatu mala moola hi shariram". All these together keep the body in balance. Malas (excreta) also play a role in maintaining the balance in the body. They are thrown out of the body in normal circumstances, but in case the body is emaciated and deficient in nutrients, even the waste is conserved as it saves the condition from deterioration. In the event of diminution of faeces, the vata takes the upward and sideways route and causes dryness in the abdomen resulting in swelling and also afflicts the intestines. Imbalance in urine causes thirst and dryness in the mouth, dysurea, and discoloration in the urine. Imbalance in other malas like sweat, excreta from eyes, ear etc show signs like dryness in excretory organs, feeling of emptiness and lightness in organs.

There exists one more dhatu in the body—Ojas, considered the essence of all the seven dhatus. It dwells in the heart and is white, reddish and yellowish in color. The first form it takes in the human body when produced is the colour of ghee, tastes like honey and smells like fried paddy. Ojas is said to be of two types, the superior quality which is only eight drops in quantity and the second type which is half an anjali (the space created when both palms are joined to form a cup). 

If ojas is destroyed, the body will perish, especially the superior type, which is present in the heart and is only eight drops in quantity, cannot stand any decrease. The second type is present in the vessels attached to the heart; decrease in this type can be withstood by the body, which happens in case of diabetes mellitus. 

The symptoms of diminution in ojas are immense and constant weakness, pain in sense organs, tension in body and mind, fear, loss of complexion, depression, dryness and emaciation.

—The writer is an ayurved expert from Dhyan Foundation.
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