July 2015 \ Diaspora News \ Diaspora-Diplomacy in Australia
Up swinging Relations

By Kul Bhushan and S. K. Gupta

Get to know the sage who created Yoga through Osho

As the first United Nations International Yoga Day is celebrated round the world, Osho’s matchless discourses on the founder of Yoga, Sage Patanjali, need to be remembered. For 5,000 years, nobody could improve on Patanjali and for 5,000 years nobody has explained, elaborated and examined Patanjali as Osho has done.
Osho is unmatched in his comments because the unique combination of his insight is impossible. He says of Patanjali, to have a scientific attitude and to enter into inner space is impossible. Thus Patanjali will remain and remains the last word on Yoga. So does Osho because Osho combines the wisdom of the spirit with the situations of today and tomorrow. These Osho talks originally entitled, Yoga: The Alpha and The Omega on the sutras of Patanjali enable the modern person to understand and appreciate him.
“Meditation is the ultimate yoga,” says Osho, “All that is known in the name of yoga is just introductory. Those body postures, asanas, breathing techniques; they are just to prepare the body. But many get lost in that; they think ‘This is all’, and their whole life is simply wasted in a kind of gymnastics. Good in itself, nothing wrong in it—health-giving, vitality-giving, prolongs the life—but ultimately it is meaningless.”
“Patanjali—I call him the scientist of the religious world, the mathematician of mysticism, the logician of the illogical. Two opposites meet in him. If a scientist reads Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras he will understand immediately,” says Osho explaining the duality of the great sage who gave us Yoga as we know it.
All these asanas—postures—lead to meditation. These are the preparation for meditation. Let this be never forgotten.
Swami Anand Kul Bhushan

