April 2017 \ Arts & Entertainment \ COLUMN: YOGI ASHWINI MIND AND BODY
Significance of Jal Tatva

A lotus emerges in water, lotus is the seat of gods and goddesses. The first avatar of Lord Vishnu, who keeps the Creation going,

By Yogi Ashwini Ji
  • Yogi Ashwini Ji

A lotus emerges in water, lotus is the seat of gods and goddesses. The first avatar of Lord Vishnu, who keeps the Creation going, was the matsya avatar, it emerged in water and guided Manu along with Saptrishis through water, for the Creation to begin. That is, Creation emerged from water and, it will go back into water. Every culture of the world talks about a massive flood which brings the end of Creation, what we call the mahapralay, for a new era to begin. Just like creation, our body too emerged from water. Water is the governing element of the swadishthan chakra in the body, which is responsible the function of procreation. Similarly, when the body perishes, whatever is left of the body, after the last rites, is returned to water. If you look at the globe, you will appreciate that earth is seventy percent water. Similarly, our body too is seventy percent water. Water is the element which has all the other elements in it – prithvi, akash, vayu and agni. Such is the importance of water or the jal tatva in Creation and our body.
