Be careful on the Path

As you progress on the path of yoga, in the abode of Shiv, the first encounter is with pret. Prets are among the ganas of Shiv,

By Yogi Ashwini

As you progress on the path of yoga, in the abode of Shiv, the first encounter is with pret. Prets are among the ganas of Shiv, and by their very nature they try to prevent you from moving further in. They distract you and attempt to put you off the path.

Those of you who are sadhaks must have heard from people around you that you should not do dhyan. Often there is a hue and cry in the house when a family member wants to go for a dhyan session. The path of yoga or dhyan is the path of few. There are few who want to access the real, that which does not change and that which is eternal. Majority spend their life chasing the unreal—collecting the temporary aspects of physical life. All those who prevent you from walking this path of reality are pret only, after leaving the body, they will be found in pret yoni.
